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RM2497   Aluminium

Small particles containing grains of native aluminum, an extreme rarity. In the images we can see that they are associated with magnetite. They most likely contain akdalaite, an oxide hydroxide of aluminum, which we have not confirmed due to the limitations of the electron microscopy technique. We will send report to the buyer.
The Bulla or Boulla is a mud volcano on the island of the same name, in the Baku archipelago, a few km SE of the city of Baku. The most intense eruptions occurred in 1857 and 1940, when erupting breccia volumes reached a few million cubic meters. The most interesting mineralization (native metals, akdalaite) is related to the ejection of the 1947 eruption.

Size: 1.8 x 1 mm.
Analyzed specimen with report
RM1575   Rutile with quartz

An amazing rutile specimen with an exceptional quality for the locality and for the species. The famous rutile specimens of Kapudzhukh in Azerbaijan are already a classic. It is said, they appeared during the 90s, for only a period of two years. This specimen shows some crystals, one predominant, perfect faces, first and second order twins and dipyramids, and a more than outstanding definition.
According to explained by Rob Lavinsky, a limited number of pieces were collected during this short period. They were send to United States, at the hands of Bill Larson, through a former official of the KGB, nicknamed "Niki the Tank", who got into mineral collecting and dealing after the Wall fell.

Size: 4.0 x 3.5 x 3.4 cm.
Main crystal: 18 x 6 mm.
Found in ±1990's.
RM1401   Rutile with quartz

An amazing rutile specimen with an exceptional quality for the locality and for the species. The famous rutile specimens of Kapudzhukh in Azerbaijan are already a classic. It is said, they appeared during the 90s, for only a period of two years. This specimen shows perfect faces, first and second order twins and dipyramids, and a more than outstanding definition.
According to explained by Rob Lavinsky, a limited number of pieces were collected during this short period. They were send to United States, at the hands of Bill Larson, through a former official of the KGB, nicknamed "Niki the Tank", who got into mineral collecting and dealing after the Wall fell. Honestly, this is one of those pieces that you dubt to keep or come off it...

Size: 6.2 x 5.4 x 4.5 cm.
Main crystal: 15 x 12 mm.
Found in 1990's