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RM3142   Normandite
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Radial aggregates of normandite, of intense orange color and with transparency. They are disposed in a matrix with aegirine/augite and analcime. Under LW-UV light the white matrix shows some fluorescence with intense orange spots. From the alkaline pegmatites of the Kola peninsula.

Size: 5.8 x 3.6 x 2.3 cm.

RM1474   Normandite with aegirine and analcime
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Radial aggregates of normandite, of intense orange color and with transparency. They are disposed in a matrix with aegirine and analcime. Under LW-UV light the white matrix shows some fluorescence with intense orange spots. From the alkaline pegmatites of the Kola peninsula.

Size: 6.5 x 4.5 x 3.0 cm.
Main crystal: 20 mm. aggreg.

Fluorescent under long wave UV