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RM3389   Kermesite and stibnite

Good-sized specimen of kermesite from this classic Slovak locality. It shows us the characteristic acicular aggregates of kermesite, with reddish reflections on a matrix with stibnite. The specimen comes from the E. Nicolau collection (Barcelona) and was acquired from Joan Viñals (Vilanova i la Geltrú).

Size: 7 x 4 x 4 cm.
Found in ±1998.
Col. E. Nicolau (Barcelona), ex. Joan Viñals.
150 €
RM1685   Eucroite

Aesthetic specimen of eucroite formed by several groups of crystals of this rare hydrated copper arsenate. Crystals show rhombic idiomorphic forms, with defined and bright faces, between translucent to transparent. Under loupe are really atractive. Intense emerald green color, very characteristic, and in the typical shale matrix. In addition from t0he type locality. A systematic fine piece.

Size: 6.0 x 5.2 x 4.7 cm.
Main crystal: 2 x 1 mm.
Classic locality
RM1667   Eucroite

This specimen is "showing" an excellent group of eucroite crystals, one of them of more than one centimeter, with a remarkable size for this rare hydrated copper arsenate. Crystals present lenticular to rhombic forms, with defined edges, brilliant faces, transparent to translucent. Intense emerald green color, very characteristic. To add more interest, from the type locality. An exceptional piece.

Size: 4.4 x 2.8 x 2.5 cm.
Main crystal: 11 x 9 mm.
Classic locality
RM1660   Langite

A nice specimen formed by several isoalted microcrystals of langite. Brilliant and of a magnificent blue color, deeper and more intense than usual. This mineral is formed in the galleries of this European classic mine. On the rocky matrix.

Size: 7.8 x 7.7 x 2.5 cm.
Found in 2016
Classic locality
RM1677   Langite

A nice specimen formed by several isoalted microcrystals of langite. Brilliant and of a magnificent blue color, deeper and more intense than usual. On the rocky matrix.

Size: 7.8 x 5.0 x 3.4 cm.
Found in 2016
Classic locality
RM1680   Kermesite and calcite

Lustrous deep reddish acicular crystals of kermesite, forming an aesthetic and good sized radiating spray that contrasts on the calcite matrix. Accompanied by some stibnite. Really brilliant specimen.

RM598   Stephanite with Galena, Calcite and Pyrite

Nice specimen from the former mineral collection of Henri-Léon Ungemach (1879-1936). The sample corresponds to the label. Sometimes is difficult this relation, or specimen has no number on or number do not match.

The cavity is covered by scalenohedral calcite crystals, and on them groups of brilliant galena and pyrite. We can observe some idiomorphic crystals, with defined faces and dull luster, of stephanite. A sample with its own history.


Size: 6,8 x 3,7 x 3,2 cm.
Main crystal: < 1 mm.
Found in 1890's.
Ex-col. Henri-Léon Ungemach (1879-1936).