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A very interesting rarity featuring blue-green tsumebite Pb₂Cu(PO₄)(SO₄)(OH) associated with yellow tsumcorite PbZn₂(AsO₄)₂·2H₂O and yellow-green corkite PbFe₃(PO₄)(SO₄)(OH)₆, from the famous locality at Broken Hill, New South Wales, Australia. This piece comes from the collection of Emili Nicolau (Barcelona) and was purchased to David Shannon.
Silver specimen from this Australian locality formed by numerous groups of silver on twisted wires. It is accompanied by siderite and galena, and probably chlorargyrite. From the Vilaseca collection, Barcelona.
This specimen from the Broken Hill mine has an incredibly rich coating of the lead oxyde mineral: minium. Both sides are coated with this intense, reddish-orange lead oxide. Minium is pseudomorph after cerussite crystals. Highly representative of the species and the locality. With the handwritten label from Ausrox.
Fibrous aggregates of malachite, very characteristic of this mine. They are accompanied by small yellow wulfenite crystals. They are disposed on a goethite matrix. A rarity on the market. With a rare vintage label by Olivier Szentessy (Genève, Switzerland).
Aesthetic specimen of opal with notable bluish iridescences in a very fine-grained sandstone matrix. From Quilpie area, a locality with an economy based on the grazing and mining industries. The area has one of the largest deposits of boulder opal in the world. A gem...
Specimen formed by several interpenetrating davidite-(La) crystals. We can observe various curved, shiny facets of this rare species, from the crichtonite group, and of a complex formula with an unique combination of elements: La(Y,U)Fe2(Ti,Fe,Cr,V)18(O,OH,F)38.
It belongs from the type locality for the species: Radium Hill. To confirm the species we have carried out SEM-EDS analysis with results consistent with expectated. It is not easy to find specimens of the type locality and less with facets.
Specimen formed by several interpenetrating davidite-(La) crystals. We can observe various curved, shiny facets of this rare species, from the crichtonite group, and of a complex formula with an unique combination of elements: La(Y,U)Fe2(Ti,Fe,Cr,V)18(O,OH,F)38.
It belongs from the type locality for the species: Radium Hill. To confirm the species we have carried out SEM-EDS analysis with results consistent with expectated. It is not easy to find specimens of the type locality and less with facets.
Petalite is one of those minerals that today are in the sights of mining companies since it is an aluminum and lithium silicate, lithium is an essential element for the manufacture of batteries. A exfoliated very good size and shiny specimen.
Very bright opal from this Australian locality, with orange colors, the elongated dendrites of pyrolusite give it an aesthetic touch. This locality is formed by basaltic rocks over an area of more than 1000 km², most of them north and south of the Dawes mountain range. The main period of volcanic activity was at c. 25Ma. Acquired by Joan Astor from the well-known Jaume Serrate (Terrassa), whom we could describe as a "craftsman" of minerals.
Group of twinned "hourglass" and "fishtail" gypsum crystals. Specimen with very good transparency, colorless and doubly terminated. It comes from the famous Lake Gilles in South Australia. The crystal is floating and its transparency allows us to see the inclusions of arrow-shaped clay particles. Lake Gilles produces some of the most unusual gypsum crystal shapes in the world.
Scholzite is a rare calcium zinc phosphate, with a type locality in Germany, although the richest and most aesthetic specimens have been found in this Australian mine. This sample shows us, on both sides, numerous aggregates of prismatic crystals, almost acicular, transparent and brilliant. They are accompanied by globular aggregates of chalcophanite (analyzed by SEM-EDS).
Scholzite is a rare calcium zinc phosphate, with a type locality in Germany, although the richest and most aesthetic specimens have been found in this Australian mine. This sample shows us, on both sides, numerous aggregates of prismatic crystals, almost acicular, transparent and brilliant. They are accompanied by globular aggregates of chalcophanite (analyzed by SEM-EDS).
In this specimen we can observe cookeite in pink tones. It is associated with eucryptite, a rare lithium aluminosilicate, and quartz. Eucriptite-quartz pseudomorphs were first discovered at this Australian mine in 1963, they are pale pink and, more rarely, dark glassy brown in color, and fluoresce reddish under shortwave ultraviolet light. Eucryptite is in the area indicated by the arrow.
Colorless, vitreous and brilliant phacolite crystals covering the volcanic rock matrix. Phacolite is a variety of chabazite, with a pseudohexagonal lenticular shape, due to the twinning of several rhombohedrons. A very nice miniature from the former Trigo collection, from Mataró (Catalonia), with its handwritten label.
Group of bustamite crystals, of good size and an intense orange-brown color, with visible faces. They are included in a matrix with calcite and galena. They present the natural brilliance, with exfoliation on some parts, this piece has not been acidified. Calcite is very active under UV light, with an intense orange emission. It is not very common to find pieces of this species and locality. It belongs to the collection of Joan Astor, with a handwritten label and another typewritten.
Very interesting specimen of opal with opalescence of violet, blue, green colors that fill the fissures of a xylopal. Very aesthetic due to its arrangement in veins, contrasting with the sienna warm colors of fossil wood. This Australian locality is known for opalized pineapples. Specimens from this locality are difficult to find.
A classic banded opal from Australia, with violet, green, blue colors. With a good exposed surface showing opalescence. It comes from the A. Trigo collection.
Globular aggregates of prismatic natrolite crystals, with well defined terminal faces. It comes from a locality well known for its zeolites. Nowadays this Cape Grim area is restricted access due to wind turbines field. From the former A. Trigo Collection (Mataró).
Globular aggregate of prismatic natrolite crystals, with well defined terminal faces. It is disposed very aerially on the matrix. Specimens on matrix are unusual. It comes from a locality well known for its zeolites. Nowadays this Cape Grim area is restricted access due to wind turbines field. From the former J. Astor Collection (Barcelona).
Dravite crystals of Yinnietharra are a classic of the world mineralogy. Today, they can only be obtained from old collections that were fortunate enough to be formed when the mines were worked. This specimen shows us a group of doubly terminated dravite crystals, with very well defined faces and edges, bright and with the characteristic color of toasted honey. They are accompanied by muscovite.
Mining for muscovite used in the electrical industry occurred on Yinnietharra station at several sites between 1922 and 1946, beryl and columbite from 1942 to 1965, and gem specimen mining after this till around 1990. Minor rare earth, uranium bearing and lithium minerals are present but have never been mined to any extent. No mining on the field has been large scale.
Good sized specimen of stichite, very rich and aesthetic. It comes from the mining area in which the species has its Type Locality, in Tasmania. The brightness, the intense purple color, the waxy luster and the fibrous shape make it a quality piece. In a serpentinite matrix. A highly representative combination of this rare species. The stichtite is a rare hydrated carbonate of chromium and magnesium from the group of the hydrotalcite.
Good sized specimen of stichite, very rich and aesthetic. It comes from the mining area in which the species has its Type Locality, in Tasmania. The brightness, the intense purple color, the waxy luster and fibrous shape make it a quality piece. In a serpentinite matrix. A highly representative combination of this rare species. The stichtite is a rare hydrated carbonate of chromium and magnesium from the group of the hydrotalcite.
Specimens from this Australian mine are unusual today. In this sample we have a group of azurite crystals pseudomorphized by malachite, preserving very well defined faces and edges. They are disposed on a goethite matrix partially coated with malachite, chrysocolla and small yellow crystals of wulfenite.
Rich group of intense green color pyromorphite crystals with color zoning. From a locality unusual in collections. With Joan Viñals label and analyzed.
Very rich scholzite specimen, an unusual phosphate of Ca and Zn, with elongated prismatic crystals, transparence and brilliance. It comes from a classic Australian locality for the species as is the Martins Well area, about 40 miles SE as such indicates this old label. A zinc and phosphorus-rich deposit in dispirited breccia. It is as mined for a few years for mineral specimens (mostly scholzite).