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RM3254   Baryte
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Globular aggregates of prismatic baryte crystals, bright, defined, translucent and with a whitish color. A classic of Murcian mining.

Size: 6.6 x 3.7 x 5.2 cm.
Main crystal: 8 x 7 mm.

Price: 45 €
RM2457   Baryte
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Rich aggregate of tabular baryte crystals, brilliant, defined and between translucent to transparent on the edges. From a classic locality for the Spanish mineralogy.

Size: 6.2 x 4 x 3 cm.
Main crystal: 1 cm.
Found in ca. 1996.

Col. Joan Astor (Barcelona). cv.

Price: 40 €
RM1784   Baryte
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A rich group of baryte crystals, with staggered stalactite growths, intense white, with defined faces and edges and forming a very displayable and aesthetic "crest". Really good size.

Size: 18 x 11 x 10 cm

RM1716   Baryte
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A rich group of baryte crystals, with staggered stalactite growths, intense white, with defined faces and edges and forming a very displayable and aesthetic "crest". A Spanish classic, different from the usual.

Size: 12 x 5.5 x 4.5 cm.

Col. J.M. Manchion (Barcelona) - No. 460 (Sants, 1989)

Price: 45 €
RM1269   Calcite with goethite
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A nice druse of very curious calcite crystals showing rhombohedron terminal faces and the side faces covered with a second generation of calcite with staggered growth of intense white color. They are disposed on a matrix of goethite with manganese oxides. Special one for calcite mineral collectors.

Size: 12.0 x 8.3 x 6.3 cm.
Main crystal: 10 x 10 mm.

Fluorescent under long wave UV
RM979   Barite
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Group of stalactitic aggregates of barite crystals. They are very aerial disposed and formed by bladed crystals with chisel-shaped terminations. With a really good brilliance, some transparence and white color with yellowish tone. A good size specimen. A notable recent find from this Mediterranean mining area that never stops to surprise us.

Size: 10.0 x 6.0 x 5.0 cm.
Main crystal: 27 x 8 mm.
Found in 12/2014.

RM974   Baryte
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Group of stalactitic aggregates of barite crystals. They are very aerial disposed and formed by bladed crystals with chisel-shaped terminations. With a really good brilliance, some transparence and white color. A notable recent find from this Mediterranean mining area that never stops to surprise us.

Size: 8.8 x 7.0 x 5.3 cm.
Main crystal: 25 x 12 mm. aggreg.
Found in 12/2014.

Price: 55 €
RM973   Baryte
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Group of very sharp barite crystals showing two growth generations. First one is formed by good size tabular crystals and it's coated by second generation. This second growth phase presents stalactitic-shape aggregates formed by bladed crystals and chisel-shaped terminations. With a really good luster and snowy white color. A notable recent find from this Mediterranean mining area that never stops to surprise us.

Size: 9.0 x 7.4 x 4.5 cm.
Main crystal: 12 x 5 mm.
Found in 12/2014.
