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You are in > Home > Minerals > RM329 Metatorbernite

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RM329   Metatorbernite

A very aesthetic group of sharp and thick metatorbernite crystals showing tetragonal forms. Very aerial disposed on the top of a matrix of metatorbernite, with an intense green color. We can observe a yellowish fluorescence under UV light due to the presence of metautunite. A French mineralogy classic not seen since late 70's.

These specimens come from a mineralized vug found in 2009 from were were obtained several floating specimens and some with stalactitic shape. The walls of the fissure were covered by smoky quartz crystals. When samples are mined and pull out of the mine, a partially dehydratation occurs (from 12 to 8 H2O molecules) and torbernite become metatorbernite species. Margabal specimens can be classified as metatorbernite.

Size: 5,7 x 4,2 x 3,2 cm.
Main crystal: 8 x 8 mm.
Found in 12/2009

Fluorescent under long wave UV