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You are in > Home > Minerals > RM1758 Smoky-Morion quartz

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RM1758   Smoky-Morion quartz
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Montejícar is located midway between Granada and Jaén, in the northern limit of the province of Granada. This area is known among mineral collectors for the excellent quartz, smoked to morion, doubly terminated and with very poorly developed prism faces, which gives them a characteristic dipyramidal shape. These specimens are found in banded gypsum and marl from the Trias in a Keuper facies characteristic of the Cortijo Cañadas, in the N of the Montejícar municipal district. In the area there are some interesting ruins of plaster kilns.

Size: 5.0 x 3.8 x 2.2 cm.
Main crystal: 14 x 8 mm.
